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Shop NowArgyle Band Guest Composer Series: Clinic and Concert
Attire for rehearsals-appropriate school clothes. Please no pajamas, loungewear, etc.
Attire for concert- Formal uniform with appropriate socks (black), footwear should be
formal and ladies shoes need to be closed-toed with hose or socks.
1:10 PM released to Band Hall
1:30 PM-3:00 PM Rehearsal Block 1 (Chambers in BH, Owens on Stage)
3:00 PM-3:15 PM break/switch
3:15 PM-4:45 PM Rehearsal Block 2 (Chambers on Stage, Owens in BH)
4:45 PM Eat, then change into formal attire
5:30 PM Warm-Up
Symphonic on Stage
Wind Symphony in BH
5:50 PM House Opens
6:00 PM Concert
7:00 PM Meet and Greet in the foyer, pictures and autographs
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